Pastor Steve and Janis

Just As I Am Cowboy Church was founded in September 2013 in Paris Missouri by Steve and Janis Miller.  Thursday evening meetings were held in an old barn on the corner of Highway 15 and Highway 154.  Folks were blessed with the opportunity to have an old fashioned worship experience graced with good music, food, fellowship and preaching straight from the word of God.  As winter approached the church met in a plumbing shop adjacent to the barn due to the cold, moving back to the barn in the spring.  With an increase in attendance it was necessary to move to the Paris Community Center for a couple of years.  Construction on the Just As I Am Cowboy Church house of worship began in 2015, and is still a work in progress.  Church is now held at this location.

Through the years God has been faithful to supply the church needs, bringing in folks desiring a closer relationship and walk with Him, seeking to make a difference in our community.  The Lord has saved many lives during the last 6 years, with baptisms numbering in the hundreds.

At Just As I Am Cowboy Church we stand on the infallible, inerrant and inspired word of GOD.  We believe it is by Grace you are saved, and that once a person has truly accepted CHRIST as their Lord and Savior, they are sealed eternally for salvation in Heaven.

  We don’t stand on normal customs, we use tables and chairs, not pews.  We believe a Christian should be the most joyful person around.  We also believe in fellowship around the table and that God wants us to come to Him just as we are, God will change us through His Holy Spirit.

If you would like to have a different worship experience, sing, have fellowship meals, laugh, cry and experience a sense of welcome like you’ve never encountered before among just plain, common folk that love the Lord, join us as we strive to make a difference in our homes, community and a lost world through the love of Jesus.

Address: 23410 Monroe Rd. 840, Paris, MO 65275
Phone: 660-327-1308 or 573-682-7433

What We Believe

Good Looking Cowboy

We are Just As I Am Cowboy Church. Our purpose and mission is to simply share the good news of JESUS, love folks, teach GOD’S word and to make a positive impact in our community, state, country and the world through fellowship, worship, ministry, bible study and daily living for CHRIST.

Just As I Am Cowboy Church is non-denominational. That’s a mighty big word just to say that we don’t belong to any one religious group. We belong to JESUS and stand on the Bible for learning how to live our lives for the LORD.

If MY people, which are called by MY name, will humble themselves, pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. (II Chron. 7:14)
We believe in the inerrant, infallible Word of GOD. (II Tim. 3:16) We may not understand it all but we believe it all.

We believe in the HOLY TRINITY. One GOD in three persons. GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT.
(MT. 28:19)

We believe that it is by grace alone through faith in JESUS CHRIST that you are saved.
(John 14:6)

Join us Thursday Evening 6:00 pm Service 7:00 pm…
Sunday morning Sunday School 10:00 am Church 11:00 am…

What Does “Just As I Am Cowboy Church” Believe?
We believe in the KISS principle.
Keep It Simple Steve

1 – We believe in the inerrant, infallible, inspired Word of GOD. We may not understand it all, but we believe it all.
 (2Tim. 3:16)

2 – We believe in the HOLY TRINTY, one GOD in three persons:
(Matt. 28:19)

3 – We believe that it is by grace alone, through faith in JESUS CHRIST, that you are saved.
(John 14:6)

Cowboy Points The Way
Cowboy Directions

Directions To Just As I Am Cowboy Church


Contact Emails

Audio Video Team—avteam@justasiamcowboychurch.com